1. DATE: 2.02.08, Time 17:00 Hrs
Venue : Karuna Praja Vaidyashala
Program : Vaidyadaanam – Donation towards Medical & Medicine Expenses
HAF organized donation towards Medical Treatment and Medicine expenses to Karuna Praja Vaidyashala, FREE clinic for Poor, by Bhanu Kiran Memorial Trust, run by, Mr BVS Murthy of ECIL. Mr Sammiah has promised and subsequently donated Sterilizer Eqpt to Karuna Praja Vaidyashala.
2. DATE: 16.02.08, Time 17:00 Hrs
Venue : Sri Vidya’s Centre for Special Children
Program : Vidyadaanam – Donation towards Education of the Special Children
HAF organized the donation towards the Education expenses to the Sri Vidya’s Centre for Special Children, by the Bhanu Kiran Memorial Trust, through its Chairman, Mr BVS Murthy.
3. DATE: 6.3.08, Time 17:00 Hrs
Venue : MEANS – Old age home
Team members of HAF went to the MEANS – Old age home, near NFC, Hyderabad, made Senior Citizen inmates to sit together and the chanting of MANTRA “Om Namah Sivaya” was done 108 times, on the occasion of SIVA RATHRI. The fruits and biscuits were distributed as Prasadam.
Shivaratri Program
4. DATE: 8.3.08, Time 17:00 Hrs to 19:30 Hrs
Venue : (1) Karunya Orphanage, (2) C S S, Mamatha Nagar
(3) Abhinandana Orphanage, Saroor Nagar
Program : Vidyadaanam
Bhanu Kiran memorial charitable trust has given donation towards the education expenses of the children in the Orphanages mentioned above. HAF also has given donation to these Orphanages.
5. DATE: 15.03.08, Time 17:00 Hrs
Venue : Desire Society (for HIV – AIDS Children) Balaji Nagar, IDA Bolaram Village, Medak Dist
Program : Vidyadaanam
HAF has donated 2 Nos of Coolers to this Desire Society which is run by Mr G Ravi Babu, with great dedication, for the benefit of HIV – AIDS affected children. Sri BVS Murthy of Bhanu Kiran has given donation to Desire society towards the education expenses of these children.
6. DATE: 22.03.08, Time 17:00 Hrs
Venue : (1) Sphoorti Foundation (2) Home for Orphans,
Program : Vidyadaanam

Bhanu Kiran memorial charitable trust has given donation towards the education expenses of the children in the Orphanages mentioned above. HAF has given donation to these Orphanages.
We thank all the well-wishers for their heartfelt cooperation.
(P.Mohan Ram)
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