Social Service Activity Report for MAY, 2008
1. DATE: 08.05.08, Time 17:30 Hrs
Venue : Freedom Foundation, Boloram
Program : Donation of Bournvita, Soaps, Biscuits, Mangoes etc.
HIV/AIDs Children – Freedom FoundationThe team members of HAF, visited the Freedom Foundation, which takes care of HIV / AIDS affected 28 children and 20 Adults and distributed the Mangoes, Biscuits etc eatables to all the inmates. We wanted to donate the Bournvita and we contacted the Regional Manager of Cadbury India Ltd to get them at special rates for the charity purpose. Surprisingly, Cadbury India has come forward to donate one Carton of Bournvita to this Freedom Foundation, under the auspices of their Corporate Social Responsibility.
2. DATE: 09.05.08, Time 09:00 Hrs
Venue : Karuna Praja Vaidyashala, Nagaram, Hyd
Program : Medical Camp – Eyes, BP, Sugar etc
ECIL’s team visited the Medical Camp at 12:30 hrs. The camp was well organized with the support of Helpage India, Pushpagiri Eye Centre, ASARA Project of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation and Humanitarian Aid Foundation. Around 200 poor people have availed the benefit.
3. DATE: 21.05.08, Time 17:00 Hrs
Venue : Karuna Praja Vaidyashala, Nagaram, Hyd
Program : Distribution of Free Spectacles
Mr Antony Raj, in co-ordination with Pushpagiri Eye Institute arranged for the distribution of the Spectacles to the poor who took part in the Medical Camp conducted by Karuna Praja Vaidyashala, for which HAF members were also invited. The HAF team attended the program, which went on very well. People were all praise for Mr Antony Raj who arranged for the successful execution of the activities.
4. DATE: 27.05.08, Time 18.30 Hrs
Venue : ANURAAG – Neredmet, Hyderabad
Program : Donation of Kitchen Mixie
Mr Kalyan from “e-Paradigm” along with his birthday baby STUTI and his family members, HAF team and Mr Antony from Karuna Praja Vaidyashala visited the ANURAAG, Day Care Centre for Mentally Challenged Children. Mr Ramanjaneyulu, the Founder of ANURAAG explained about all their activities, not only towards the Special Children but also towards the deserving Poor through his Physiotherapy centre, Clinic and Hospital.
Mixie donation to ANURAAG
Mr Kalyan donated Kitchen Mixie to ANURAAG
5. DATE: 27.05.08, Time 19.30 Hrs
Venue : Sphoorti Foundation
Program : Annadaanam & Vasthudaanam
Stuti at Sphoorti FoundationMr Kalyan along with his daughter STUTI and his family members and HAF team visited Sphoorti Foundation. This day was also the Birthday for Mr Srivyal, Founder of Sphoorti Foundation. All the Children of Sphoorti were very happy displaying the Drawings that they have done and everyone was very cheerful. Mr Kalyan has sponsored the Annadaanam and donation of Racks to Sphoorti.
Following couplets express the gratitude to Mr Kalyan for the Noble Act that he has done in celebrating his daughter Stuti’s birthday at 2 NGOs (Anuraag & Sphoorti).
Let’s wish Happy Birthday to STUTI,
With all words from Great SHRUTI,
Shruti is the embodiment of Vedas,
We should try reducing the Bhedas,
STUTI is means to reach Almighty,
Renowned process to overcome Human Mighty,
Father Kalyan’s Lokha Kalyan helps others,
Trying to remove somebody else’s bothers,
Happy days to Kalyan’s family members,
Making deserted children as deserving members,
KALYAN and STUTI make us proud,
Blessing would come from above cloud.
Thanks to one and all for the kind co-operation.
(P.Mohan Ram)