Social Service Activity Report for APRIL, 2009
1. DATE: 01.04.09, 1700 Hrs. –1800 Hrs.
Venue : VIKALANGALA KALYANA VEDIKA, Tapovan Colony, Hyderabad
Program : Sponsoring the Scribers fee to the Visually Challenged Girls
Some of the founders and members of the Humanitarian Aid Foundation sponsored the Scribers Fees for following 6 Visually challenged Girl students for the SSLC Examination.
2. DATE: 15.04.09.
Venue : ECIL, Hyderabad
Program : Donation to the Visually challenged couple
One of the founders of HAF donated the required amount towards the procurement of Caning materials, to the Visually challenged couple Mr Ratnam and his wife, who are doing the re-caning of the chairs of various Divisions of ECIL.
3. DATE: 24.04.09, 1700 Hrs. –1800 Hrs.
Venue : Venkateshwara Social Service Association, Malkajgiri, Hyderabad
Program : Annadaanam to Inmates of Orphanage and Old Age Home
One of the founders of HAF celebrated his birthday on 24th April, 2009, in VSSA by making Annadaanam to the inmates of VSSA’s Orphanage and Old Age Home.
4. DATE: 25.04.09, 1700 Hrs. –1800 Hrs.
Venue : Auxilium Navajeevana (Orphanage), Musheerabad, Hyderabad
Program : Annadaanam to Inmates of Navajeevana Orphanage
The HAF team members visited this Navajeevana Orphanage, which is taking care of the rehabilitation of street children and orphan children. Mr Sriram (one of HAF’s well-wishers) and his wife Ms Janaki sponsored the Annadaanam, today, to the inmates of this Orphanage.
5. DATE: 30.04.09, 18:00 Hrs. –20:30 Hrs.
Venue: Blind Colony, Nagole, Hyderabad
Program: Survey to find the requirements of the Blind Colony, Nagole, Hyderabad
One of the founders of HAF visited this Blind Colony. Mr Sudhakar, Secretary of this colony was informed to make a list of the students of this colony and give the same to us for extending necessary help at appropriate time.
6. DATE: 30.04.09, 18:00 Hrs – 20:30 Hrs
Venue : VIKALANGALA KALYANA VEDIKA, Tapovan Colony, Hyderabad
Program : Donation of Fans
Vikalangula Kalyana Vedika has shifted its accommodation to Tapovan Colony recently. One of the HAF founders visited the new place and identifying the need for Fans, he donated the money, in his personal capacity, to Mr Subhash Gupta, In-charge of the Hostel towards 2 Fans.
(P. Mohan Ram) (TPV Ramana) (S Subba Rao)